Plato’s Cave Regrets to Inform You It Will Be Raising Its Rent →

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I have a bunch of bookmarks to post, and am missing the details on where I came across them. I will put up a bit of a blogroll so you can go check the blogs I have in my RSS feed. Hopefully that goes some way to making up for my lax archiving.

This is a fun one from Xu Mason over at the ever vital McSweeney's

To all inhabitants of Plato’s Cave,

If you are receiving this letter, it means you have been designated a tenant of the cave—i.e., you are chained to the wall, you are forced to watch shadows for all eternity, you are projecting said shadow puppets, and/or you are a philosopher who was able to break free and understand the true shackles of reality (PhD candidates about to argue their thesis). A New York Times Bestseller.

“This beautiful book is destined to be a classic.” —Buffalo News

We are writing this memo to introduce ourselves, the new property managers of Plato’s Cave, and to let you know that this fall your rent will be raised.

Red Hot Chili Peppers play a smoking cover of Donna Summer's "I Feel Love" (video)

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via Boing Boing

At a 2006 performance in Copenhagen during Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante's first triumphant return to the band, the band busted out this smoking hot impromptu cover of Donna Summer's masterful Moog disco number "I Feel Love" (1977). It's a beautiful moment for Frusciante and Flea.

The band has since performed the song multiple times since Frusciante's second triumphant return in 2019.

One of the best songs written IMHO, and a gorgeous rendition to boot. This video of the RHCP is a short one, and I know you'll be ready to boogie down after it is done, so here 12" version of the original in all it's over-eight-minute glory.

Quote/Unquote - Del the funky homosapien →

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I'm really enjoying this whole series of short grab interviews exploring themes around hip hop. It is mostly a grab of three questions per artist featured, and seems to be about five questions in total. I admit that I wasn't totally impressed by the questions that have been asked, yet remains some extremely insightful comments around the nature of hip hop at this point (stated as the 50th anniversary of hip hop, anyone paying Herc yet?).

I'm a long term Del fan, so I would likely be biased to his views, though still wanted to share his take on these questions as they reflect an approach I aspire toward.

Based On A True Interpretation →

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Not only am I now keen on catching this movie, but Ernie over at Tedium has a very thoughtful take on the way these kinds of depictions of recent history are treated in light of the depicted individuals still being alive.

These kinds of forays seem indicative of the way global logic reifies sensational narratives. I'm yet to sort my thoughts, but there is something here that I want to write about eventually.

An Electric Vehicle in Every Garage

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Your EV, along with newly established conventions, is used as the power core to your home. Shelter and transport finally married in a way that tethers rather than mobilises. Everything that happens inside of your dwelling is now subject to collection. In this way, our homes have become the ground of absolute morality.

[door] 119-time travelling through dream terrains / door 119 by Hinako Omori →

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sharing this [door]

Thank you Hinako for being a Door. This is door 119, featuring: Laura Groves + Sampha, How To Dress Well, Wayne Phoenix, Romance and Dean Hurley, Trevor Powers, Art Tatum, Mort Garson, Martha Skye Murphy, Goldfrapp, Dylan Henner, Beverly Glenn-Copeland

[door] is a good one to have in your feed reader

delightful creative tools →

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I was pulling this up to post, and found that it is a part of a greater set of lists. Sign me up.

everything i believed about waste was wrong →

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“Britain’s greenest mother” Zion Lights has changed clarified in my mind about the role of nuclear power in a meaningful push toward renewable energy. Their own journey away from Interrogating the false narrative of nuclear catastrophe takes on the true nature of the fuels we are currently pursuing, and turns about the reality of safety behind our pursuit of convenience. highlights the detrimental truth of our current approach to convenient energy. conveniences to be much more detrimental.

I would like to pursue ideas branching from this article, and definitely read more essays by Zion Lights.