musing 230527ish

Gathering information for machine learners will necessarily be imperfect. Human intelligence as a goal means that perfection will never be a pathway, rather a well manicured reflection on the past. No entity makes perfect movement (wear, grind, and seize; become brittle, and leak; go blunt) especially not when forging a pathway through the past .

Such is the pathway in the mind of the supremacist: A swathe cut from the fog of time and maintained for eternity in the guise of continuity. Really all you do to transgress is walk to the end and admit to yourself it stops, after which you run full tilt toward the wall.

Concussion blurs the standards, throw them out, then you find a pathway, and it is full of rubs, scrapes, cuts, infections, jump scares, echoes, reverberations, tremors. We feel, and to feel is to be a part. Party to, rather than hermetically secured so self-contained from, chaos gathers in depression and manifests beauty.

So if we want to make AI fit into our progression into the blurry, haphazard, sublime future we will have to teach it to identify our shifting edges and accommodate. An effective AI would haunt us like trauma in mirror image in order to match the concavity of concussive existence.
