aaaaah commies are AI

Which way do we think AI is going?

Today my neighbors and I all own genuinely terrible, cheaply made drills that sit in drawers all year except for the 1-2 times that someone needs to make a hole in the wall. But what if our library system bought the highest-quality imaginable drills, designed to be repairable, and to gracefully decompose back into the material stream when they were finally used up? What if these drills were location-aware, and gathered usage telemetry to allow for continuous improvement? I'd love that world. There's even a name for it: "library socialism," coined by the SRSLY WRONG podcast:


But there's another version of the "post-ownership society." It's the enshittified, DRM-locked version, where you own nothing and pay rent to use everything. Think of BMW and its fucking subscription seat warmers:
